Monday, January 31, 2011

7 months old

Attempt #1:
"Not now Mom, I'd rather play with this paper."
Attempt #2:
"Oh, you want to see what this says? OK, here you go."
Attempt #3:
"Hey, let me see that thing you're holding. And no, you can't have this piece of paper!"
Attempt #4:
"Mom, just take that paper away if you want me to look at you."

Kase turned 7 months old on January 24! As you can see, our 7 month photo shoot was a bit challenging...I think the days of taking pictures with his "month" papers are over. He has changed SO much this past month, with his fun personality showing itself more and more everyday! I think he weighs around 17 1/2 pounds, loves his cereal and baby food. I've begun making my own baby food (which I find EXTREMELY fun), and Kase loves it! Our most recent vegetable has been a mixture of sweet potatoes, carrots, and was a big hit! Crawling is going to be happening any day now too. He is such a sweet boy and is such a joy to have in our lives!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beautiful Day

Hi Guys, Kase here. Mom and Dad said we needed to get some fresh air today, so we went for a walk. I didn't complain...I like being outside. I have this thing called a Bundle Me in my carseat. It's supposed to be used to cover my face when it's cold, but I like to see what's going on so I usually pull it off. Mom doesn't like it when I do that. Anyway, I got all bundled up in my Hawkeye hat, monkey mittens, and puppy slippers. I stayed warm and dry in my stroller and had a great walk. I think I'm ready for a nap after that walk...I'm kind of sleepy.

Umm hi, my name is Molly. I was super excited when Daddy said the word "walk" because I really really like walks. I usually get so excited that I choke myself on my leash when I run so fast. Don't worry, I didn't let anybody get lost...I showed them where to go...I like to lead on walks. It was really wet outside and I got really dirty so I had to have a bath when I got home. Then after bath I was being crazy and digging in the chair and Mommy took a picture of me. I REALLY don't like baths...I get water in my ears and it just won't come out! I sure hope all of this snow melts soon so I can go on more walks. But I don't want to ever ever have a bath again...can someone tell my Mom & Dad that info?

Molly's favorite place

So...I've mentioned in our Christmas letters how much Molly loves our space heater. But just so you all understand how serious I's a picture.

She will sit in front of this thing for HOURS!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Highchair & Slippers

We're venturing into the world of highchair feedings. It's also a great place to set him while I'm working in the kitchen! He's high enough that he can see what I'm doing (which he loves), and I'm able to get things done with two hands (which I love!)

Check out his slippers! His Nana gave them to us after we found out he was a boy. He hates sock and shoes, but for some reason, he has no problems with these on his feet!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

6 months

I realize I've been a bit behind in my blogging these past few months. So, here's an attempt at updating our lives. Here's our sweet buddy boy at 6 months old:

At his appointment he weighed 14 lbs 14 oz (15th percentile) and 25 inches (20th percentile). His head, on the other hand, is in the 75th percentile so he's apparently extremely smart :)
Here's a picture of his new trick:

He's super pumped about being able to sit now. He has also started scooting while sitting on his butt. If he sees a toy that he likes he tries SUPER hard to get it. Sometimes it leads to face plants on the floor, but he's a tough boy! No teeth have popped through...yet. He still loves sucking on his toes, loves reading books, and LOVES being held by Mommy. We may have a big Mommy's Boy on our hands. If he can see Mommy, he wants to be by Mommy. What can I say, I've got a soft spot for my baby boy :) Love him!