Monday, September 5, 2011

labor day

Today we took our first trip to the park! We should have gone several months ago, but hot weather and Mommy's non-desire to go to the park prevented this visit. Nonetheless, I did not want my child to live a deprived life, so our first trip to the park happened today. We tried the swings, but they weren't the most kid-friendly, and he slipped through the front of the swing after a few light pushes. He cried, which I thought might scar him for life, but never fear, we found a stick which made all things better!

And then...he found the slide. It's probably a good thing we were the only people playing in the park today due to the events that occurred next. Kase wanted to go up the steps and down the slide. Well, since I wanted to prevent a trip to the hospital, I accompanied Kase up and down the slide. Let me tell you, I don't fit as well as I used to fit!

Step 1:"Come, Mom!"
Step 2:"Go, Go, Go"

Step 3:"WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"

Repeat steps 1-3 approximately 12 times

Question: How do you distract a 14-month old from the fun curly slide and avoid having to go up and down it again?
Answer: Find another slide that makes loud noises when hit!

Poor Molly...she was stuck tied to the stroller.

Time to go home! Kase decided he didn't want to ride in the stroller on the way home, so he walked (with stick in hand).

The term "Labor Day" always makes me think of this day:
After all, what's more "laborious" than LABOR?
But oh, how I LOVE the product of my labor

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