Oh hello blog readers! Long time no update, eh?! I blame pregnancy sleepiness.
Kase has discovered Q-tips after watching Daddy clean his ears one morning.
*Disclaimer: The Q-tips he uses are the child-safe ones, safe for him to stick in his ears!
He also likes to take pictures. If I get my camera out, he'll usually ask to take a picture. And by take a picture, I mean he likes to stand behind the camera, looks through the camera, he says "cheeeeeeeeeeeeeese," and then I snap the picture. Then we need to look at it to make sure there's some sort of person/figure/interesting object in the picture. Here's a picture he took of Daddy who is being the Statue of Liberty.
And here's Kase being the Statue of Liberty. He's got a paintbrush in his right hand as the torch, and his left hand is the "spikey" behind her head (crown). His fascination from the Statue of Liberty comes from a movie that he watches where they travel to the "Lady with spikes on her head."
Little Man is in an interesting sleep phase right now. He has now decided that it is necessary to get out of bed early in the morning. So early, in fact, that sometimes it's still dark out. I know what some of you are thinking, "So what, my kid wakes up that early every single morning!" Well, this is a HUGE change for us. Kase used to be the kid who would need to be woken up at 8:00AM. A few times in the past weeks he's been before 5:30!!! YIKES!!!
It's fair to say that he's still extremely sleepy when he wakes up.
We've also been enjoying his new sandbox and his new digger trucks.
Our swing has also gotten lots of use this summer. Kase thinks it's fun for us to twist him in his swing and then let it go while he spins around in circles. "Again" he says!
We seem to have a family of bunnies living in our neighborhood. Kase loves them!
Daddy started football a few weeks ago.
Occasionally, when the weather is nice and I'm not overly tired, I'll take Kase to practice. Kase doesn't do much football watching. We mostly just go to see how much of a distraction we can provide for the football players (just kidding).
Our "cool dudes" sunglasses are usually a necessity when we go to practice.
This is also a common activity for Kase while at practice, jumping through the hurdles.
And, of course, whenever we head to football practice, we just NEED to go play in the park for awhile!
Usually we need to bring some kind of race car along with us so we can zoom them down the slides.
He also has developed a fascination with his shadow. Here he is waving to his shadow :)
Today we found the football players' drinking water, providing Kase with some fun entertainment for awhile!
Then it was necessary to jump in the puddles all the way to the van.
Yes, that's right, I said VAN. We've upgraded to a fam van, and it's so great! I'd post a picture of the outside, but it's extremely dirty from traveling on gravel roads for the past week, so you'll have to wait in great suspense for a picture of the outside. Here's a picture of Kase on the inside of the van, doing his new favorite van activity. After we unbuckle he likes to push the automatic close button and climb into the back seat. It usually takes some pretty good bribing to get him out of the back seat!
*Disclaimer #2: This picture was taken while our van was turned off, in our garage. This was NOT while we were moving.
Due to Kase's early EARLY mornings, it doesn't take long at night before he's exhausted. I snapped this picture tonight at supper. Can you see the clock behind him? 6:05PM...and he looks like he's going to fall asleep in his high chair.
So, there's an update on our lives. Baby #2 is growing nicely, but I don't have a picture yet. I started feeling some movement this past week, and if the movement is any indication of the demeanor of this baby then we are going to have one active baby! :) He/She had a dance party this week! I hope to have a belly picture taken and posted soon!
I also hope to not have a one-month span in between my posts anymore! :)